Useful data

Language: Spanish


Currency: Pesos



Summer: maximum: 40 ºC - minimum: 17 ºC                    
Winter: 25 ºC - Winter minimum: 3 ºC
The city of Corrientes has a warm and humid climate.
The seasons are:
Summer: from December 21 to March 20;
Fall: from March 21 to June 20;
Winter: from June 21 to September 20;
Spring: from September 21 to December 20.

Summer is hot, the average temperature is 30 ºC. The average temperature in Fall is between 14 ºC and 17 ºC. In Winter the temperature vary between 5 and 10 ºC. And in spring temperatures luctuate between 20 and 23 ºC.


“Banking and business hours:
The usual banking hours are from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.”

Business hours are from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and from 17:00 p.m. to 21:00 p.m. Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. and 17:00 p.m. to 20:30 p.m.


Restaurants/Resto/ Teashop

El Mirador – Restaurant/Grill
Av. Costanera y San Martín
TEL: (0379) 4461806

Enofilos– Restaurant
Junin 1250
TEL: (0379) 4429366-4423861-4427210

Yacaru Pora – Restaurant
Av. Centenario 4350
TEL: (0379) 4458800

Casanova– Restaurant
Av. 25 de Mayo y Santa Fé
TEL: (0379) 4464208

Mizza– Resto Bar
Av. Costanera y Pedro Quevedo
TEL: (0379) 4434516

Casino– Restaurant
Av. Costanera y C. Pellegrini
TEL: (0379) 4460360

Tipico– Restaurant
Plaza Italia between Quintana and Placido Martinez
TEL: (0379) 4463866-4433666

Enrico– Restaurant
Catamarca y Bolivar

Bonafide– Resto Bar
Junin 1207 TEL: (0379) 4424329

Cristóbal – Resto bar
Quevedo y Costanera TEL: (0379) 4469318

Cristóbal del Puerto – Resto bar
Av. Italia y Placido Martínez

Gitana – Pizza 
Vera y Catamarca TEL: (0379) 4438038

Cantinflas – Mexican Food
Av. Pujol y Uruguay 


Supermarket Walt Mart
av. Centenario y av. Pomar

Pringamoza - Leather shop
Catamarca y 9 de Julio

Pasión Gaucha - Leather shop
San Lorenzo entre San Martin y Bolivar

Centenario Shopping Mall – Shopping
Av. Centenario 3535

Wal Mart – Shopping
Av. Gregorio Pomar 840
TEL: 0800-888-9256

Carrefour – Supermarket
Av. Ferre y Av. Chacabuco
TEL: (0379) 4460498


Corrientes Airport
Ruta 12 Km 7
TEL (0379) 4458684

Resistencia Airport
(0362) 4446801

Aerolíneas Argentinas
Junin y Cordoba
TEL: 0810-222-86527

Car Rent

AVIS – Car Rent
Stand at Corrientes Airport
TEL: (0362) 154565428 / (0362)-4450066

Golf Club
KM 1500 Way to Santa Ana.
TEL (0379) 4424372

Gold Rent a Car
Tel: (0362) 4428497
Fax: (0362) 4462940
Cel: (0362) 154604338